Solomon << SOL uh muhn >> Islands are a chain of islands in the South Pacific Ocean. They lie northeast of Australia. The southern islands of the chain are part of a country that is called the Solomon Islands, and the northern islands are part of Papua New Guinea.

The southern Solomons include Choiseul, Guadalcanal, Malaita, New Georgia, San Cristobal, Santa Isabel, and many smaller islands. They cover 11,500 square miles (29,785 square kilometers). The northern islands include Bougainville, Buka, and a few smaller islands. They cover 4,200 square miles (10,878 square kilometers). Bitter fighting between Allied and Japanese forces took place in the Solomons from 1942 to 1944, during World War II. For more information, see the articles on the countries of Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. See also Bougainville; Guadalcanal Island; World War II (The South Pacific).